Myself and my two course mates Rose Letley and Pippa Richardson have been lucky enough to get down to the final 10 teams in the National finals of L'Oreal Brandstorm.
This is a competition that ultimately puts you in the position of a Brand Manager. This year our brief has been to create a male only product range and accompanying service. Due to it being a competition, I can't really reveal out concept until after May 3rd (D day). However I can give you a sneak peak at the direction of our campaign. We have our actual shoot tomorrow with Mark Enstone ( I'm very excited to work with a professional photographer! However we did some test shots on Friday to work our executions as we don't want to waste Mark's time.
Below is an image I took. It's not been done on an SLR, just my little point and shoot camera, however, I love it. I think the shadow really adds something nice to the image.
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