I couldn't believe it when I came across this article on The Mail Online by Eleanor Harding. Andrej Pejic is a MALE womenswear model. An extremely beautiful male. Not beautiful in terms of Brad Pitt, but beautiful in terms of Angelina Jolie. Breath-takingly gorgeous.

She appeared at Couture Week in Paris, wearing a wedding dress created by Jean Paul Gaultier which impressed Rihanna so much that she wore it to the Grammy Awards.

At only 19 years old I think Andrej is going places. Andrej models both women's and menswear. This diversity will take his career from strength to strength if seen in a positive light.
I think that this is brilliant, deceptive yet genius. Unless told I don't see how anyone could ever tell that Andrej is male. He is, as said above beautiful.
Whilst sat thinking about this, I realised and, I am making a generalisation here but, because
some female models are so uncontrollably skinny, they get stripped down to bare basics. We are presented with skin and bones and hair. When we die, as morbid as it is, we become skeletons. Now I argue that unless you are an expert, it is impossible to identify a person through their skeleton. Now models, are the closest example of a skeleton. Therefore, because Andrej is so slim, as are many female models the only way we identify their sexuality is by the way they are presented. By this, I mean, their hair, make-up, facial structure and facial hair. However, Andrej has quite clearly taken hormones to prevent facial hair growing. He also has a very chiseled jaw line and high-cheek bones. Two favoured qualities for models due to the shadows that can be created on photography. He has long hair, and, of course we do not see his genitalia. In terms of breasts, female models tend to be very petit and therefore often have little or no breasts. Out of clothes however, it is slightly more obvious that what Andrej possesses is not breasts.

However, despite this minor detail which is often hidden behind clothes. Andrej makes, in my opinion, a fantastic model. Although I will argue not a fantastic woman as I associate the word woman with curves. Woman to me says mum and mum to me says child-bearing hips. However, I believe his face is gorgeous. Well done that man.
All images from Mail Online