Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Self Promotion

One of my projects this year for Uni is self promotion... this begins with designing a logo. After probably around a weeks worth of hours spent on photoshop, researching logo's, bugging anyone and everyone about my designs and what they think about them and whether they represent me i have FINALLY created MY logo.

Obviously MJG are my initials- Megan Joanne Grant. The font represents organisation, efficiency with a streak of playfulness, creativity and it's slightly cheeky. (like me) The colours are chosen because to look at im quite clean, i wear a lot of black and white, but it's not boring, hence the pink, it's a burst of colour showing the exciting side to my clothing but also my bright bubbly personality.

Now i just need to find a way to apply it to this blog...... ♥

What a wonderful world...

It would be if everything was as amazing as Tim Walkers work. It makes me smile even on the dullest of days.

The irony, intelligence and fairytale qualities amaze me everytime.

Today these images really made me smile.

Monday, 28 December 2009

Jude Law

You need to get in my life.

You are TOO beautiful ♥

Sunday, 27 December 2009

This is exactly where my thought process over the past few days has led me to:

"When it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I'm already better than them anyways." Marilyn Monroe

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Birmingham Clothes Show ♥

So again I was very lucky to get the opportunity to work for 1927 on their Juicy Couture stand at Birmingham Clothes Show Live 2009. Due to a massive pile of University deadlines I only worked for 4 out of the 7 days however what a brilliant 4 days they were!! Hard work, long hours, scary customers but somehow the buzz, the atmosphere, the fashion makes it all worthwhile.

Probably the hardest work i've ever done, fighting my way through velour hungry crowds in order to pick up and rehang the mountain of undesired goods.

It was a good experience, we arrived at the stand on the Thursday which was literally a pink wooden frame with shelves and hanging rails, our job? Make it look appealing, sell the clothes as people walk in, make it desirable.

Unfortunately my camera broke 2 days before and therefore I couldn't get any images of the visual merchandising work we did... however in order to not keep this post so boring i'll give you a general clothes show image ♥

Saturday, 14 November 2009

It has arrived!!!

Check it out. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G ♥

Thursday, 12 November 2009

London Fashion Weekend

Best experience ever...

We ♥ 1927 and Juicy Couture for the fun times that were had. 10 hour days && socialising && drinking wine and eating food = perfeccccttt.

Saturday, 12 September 2009


Day 1-

I arrived at Arcadia at 10am to be greeted by Rachel (PR coordinator for Dorothy Perkins, she assigned me my first task which was to photocopy all the magazine features of Dorothy Perkins, Evans and Burton. This is because a copy of each article/feature is needed for both reports and for Sir Phillip to see. Next Tom (PR coordinator for Burton and Evans) asked me to create headers on the computer to mount the articles onto; I then had to mount all the articles onto the paper.
After this Tom and I took bags and bags of clothes down to dispatches to send to This Morning, Grazia and other such publications and programmes.

After this I went through on an excel document logging all the features in magazine and newspapers, stating what the articles name was, which publication and what items featured. This is done because Arcadia employs a media company to keep a log of all the times Arcadia features in publications; this allows Arcadia to compare what they’ve found with the media company.

I also discovered today that all Arcadia jewellery is a separate concession to Arcadia and therefore none of their PR is done through Arcadia.

Day 2-

My tasks were similar to the first day to begin with; I photocopied articles, guillotined them and then mounted them similar to the day before.

Today I also got taught how to log the clothes for the ‘call outs’ from places such as magazines and television programmes for photo shoots and promotion on TV. This is done through a simple process, first a label is stuck inside the clothes where you must state the season (AW/09) and then give the item a number if it does not already have one assigned, you log these details in an excel document stating who the garment is going to and describing the garment and logging the number. All this information is then copied and pasted onto a word document to send with the garments instructing the recipient on how to send them back and what they have received.
Dorothy Perkins had goodie bags worth £50 to send out to press, therefore my next task was to wrap each goodie bag, put it in a press office bag, find the address of each recipient and write it on the bag. Addresses were found on a website called Gorkana which is a media database and portal for PR and journalists. After doing this, Rachel and I made a list of each bag that was going out to ‘van man’ and took the bags down to dispatches. (The van man comes at 11am and 3pm and does deliveries, if we need a delivery out desperately or we’ve missed van man we simply order a bike to take it.)

The Yasmin Le Bon launch for Wallis was on Wednesday night, therefore Tom was sending a selection of Evans clothes to Yasmin’s daughter therefore I wrapped clothes for her to be sent so that she could choose an outfit for the launch.
I also went to the photographers to pick up images and clothes that had already been photographed and delivered clothes to be shot.

I also helped to create the goodie bags for the YLB launch for the following night.

Day 3-

First job of the day in the office is to go through publications and check for coverage, this is coverage of any of the Arcadia brands and competitor brands. All coverage of Arcadia brands is photocopied and given to the appropriate person, if they feel this coverage is worthwhile they will have it mounted for Sir Phillip to see.

I did similar jobs to the day before, I did many call outs and also entered line numbers into the excel document where the coverage from magazines is placed (the document I did on the first day) So that the PR team have the line numbers for items shown in the publications for customer queries.

I also assisted with preparing the press room for the YLB launch by steaming all the curtains.

I helped everyone in the office pick their outfits from the YLB collection for the launch and then I tidied the returns room as it was left in a state after being used as a dressing room!!

The duties for the rest of the weeks were very similar. Every other Friday there is a sample sale where clothes that are no longer needed for photo shoots etc are sold for £2 onwards and all proceeds are given to charity therefore one of the days we sorted out the sample cupboard, however because you go through everything you are allowed to take things you like for free!! So i came home with a bag full of clothes!

Working in the PR department gave me a real insight into how PR really works, I enjoyed myself so much and I’ve already been asked to come back next summer!
During my time at Arcadia I learnt that Sir Phillip is the office every Tuesday and Thursday. On my second week Simon Cowell was there with him, due to them starting a production label together. Pixie and Peaches Geldof were also there on a separate occasion! Arcadia is such a well known company with real strong connections with people in industry. In my last week Evans were in discussions with Chaka Khan about using her as the face of their Christmas campaign and a possibility of launching a denim range with her in the new year. There was also a massive hype about Crystal Renn and her campaign with Evans due to her rebelling against what she was once forced to be in order to be a model.

At first I was taken aback by the likes of Duncan James calling the office about the YLB launch and his guest, but as the weeks went by having the likes of Simon Cowell in the office just seemed to be normal!

Nicki the Senior PR officer also offered me a list of contacts from Look magazine who went to Nottingham Trent University, which made me realise how important contacts are.

Monday, 7 September 2009

Won't you pose for my camera?

I took this of myself by accident.

Buttttt I really like it.

Friday, 28 August 2009

I want to be a Manhatten doll ♥

I want this please.

Topshop. £75. Thankyou.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Another collaboration?!

H&M... you are the collaboration Queen.... Jimmy Choo and H&M... why did I not know about this sooner!

Annndd the collection includes shoes, bags and accessories anddd for the first time ever, clothes!

Inspiration= 80s rock and roll glam... very excitedd.

Hurry upp 14th Novemberrrr ♥

Friday, 14 August 2009

Geek chiccc

Tom Ford you are brilliant.

I want to be her ♥

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Twisted Logic

Check out on of my best friend's sites, he's just graduated from Central St Martins with a First Class Honours Degree in Graphic Design. His work is sickk and worth your time.

Give it a glance ♥

I guess this is what I get for wishful thinking...

I was just playing around... but i think it's pretty ♥

Banksy ♥

What an amazing artist... what great inspiration.

On the 4th August I took a trip to Bristol to visit the Banksy vs Bristol Museum exhibition. This was Banksy’s first show since 2000.

“Throughout the summer, visitors will find some unusual specimens amongst the museum's permanent collection - a stonehenge made from portable toilets greets visitors on arrival, a burnt out ice cream van now replaces the enquiries desk and the life size historic biplane suspended from the ceiling now provides refuge for a Guantanamo bay escapee. Banksy has filled the museum with his own wry take on classical art. ” (Bristol City Council 5.8.2009: Online)

The exhibition was funded entirely by Banksy himself and entry was free. This however had its downfall, it meant that still a month into the exhibition we were queuing for two and half hours. I believe the thought process for making the exhibition free was a very intelligent one, it meant that people came from far and wide, of all ages and diversity and experienced the work of the great artist Banksy. His political views and irony have now been seen by many and will be seen by more to come. People who would not normally go to an art gallery do.

Most of the work shown at the exhibition has never been seen before and Banksy added bits to museums own collections, adding over 100 things to them, such as humoured paintings among the museum’s collections.

Throughout the exhibition Banksy remains true to his roots as a street artist. Much of the work is very silly, playful and childlike, however it has a humour that many can relate to, and conveys a message too.

A part of the exhibiton showed a recreation of Banksy’s workshop, with many sketches, stencils and paintings displayed inside, giving an insight into the artists surroundings and inspiration.

Banksy is a master at juxta postioning. In the second room where Banksy displays his live animations there is what looks like a living cheetah from behind, lying on a tree with his tail in full motion, however when you see it from the front, you notice that it has actually been made into a fur coat.

Banksy shows his intelligence and imagination at the exhibiton, he sends messages, sometimes harsh about the world today and makes you stop for a moment and think. A key piece of work is an image of a child in poverty with a T-shirt on that reads ‘I hate Mondays’.

The exhibition’s only rule is no flash photography, therefore I tried to get an image of most of the pieces of work from the exhibition as Banksy doesn’t believe in copyright.

Monday, 3 August 2009

Do you ever..

ask yourself a question and then the answer appears right infront of you?
Last night I was reading the first issue of Love magazine and I thought to myself, when is the next one out. Today Vogue came through my door, low and behold an advert appears advertising the next issue of Love. Freakyy!!

So if you didn't know it comes out on the 24th August. ♥ ♥

Friday, 31 July 2009


AUTUMN/WINTER 2009 Collection.
Russian fairytale. Runway: Laser beamed tunnell and snowflake magic. Inspiration? Ukranium virgin brides. Key words: Poetry, romance. Outcome? Amazing.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

This is what my dreams are made of.

In memory of my dad, who died a year ago today I went to Wales with my mum, nan and auntie due to the fact that this is where I spent my childhood... especially on one particular beach, our secret beach. It is a mission to get to, but once there, its the greatest dream I could ever imagine. In August we scattered my dads ashes here.. so from now on this place is my sanctuary, it's where I can go to be with him.

This verse from Incubus sums up exactly how i felt today:

I dig my toes into the sand
The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds
Strewn across a blue blanket
I lean against the wind
Pretend that I am weightless
And in this moment I am happy...happy

I wish you were here
I wish you were here

Monday, 22 June 2009

Sports Chic

I am enjoying this summer trend immensley. Some of Stella McCartney's designs are so sexy. True I wouldn't go to the gym in these clothes, nor would I run a marathon in them but they bring a whole new level to the idea of casual wear. Topshop Unique have some great designs, that give an effortless look, but still look amazing.

Take That

I went to see Take That last Monday and Oh my godd...... INSANE!!! Even if you weren't a fan of their music it would be impossible to not entertain you at this concert!!!
As you may or may not know, the tour was their circus tour and true to name, it was a circus. The best circus i have ever seen!! It was insane...
It led me to think what an amazing concept this could be for a runway show.. it was breath-taking.

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Play Play Play

Playsuits are THE best invention ever... here are my reasons why
1. anyone can wear them because they come in so many different varieties
2. they are perfect for day and night, simply add heals and accessories
3. they are comfortable... and you can get away with short ones because noone's going to see your knickers!!

the only bad thing is they're a bit of a kufuful when needing to wee quickly!!... Note to self, do not wear on a heavy night out on the town!!!

Rare at Topshop have some beauties....
but if you don't wana spend a lot, check out Primark as they seem to have more and more coming in!!

This is my latest purchase from Topshop...

Big love <3

Friday, 10 April 2009

Light Denimm

I haven't blogged in ages.. im rubbish i know.

Today i have decided.. the perfect spring treat is light denim straight leg jeans.. rolled up at the ends they give a cute nautical feel, and with pumps or flipflops ther soo cute!! Perfect for the transfer from spring to summer..

I recommend this pair from River Island.. for £39.99 you cant rreally complain!!

ohhh and P.S. remember this months Elle you get £15 voucher off Kurt Geiger.. just gota save the remaining £60!!!

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Barbie Girl!!

Ok... sorry i haven't posted in a while, seems ive been so busy and this is something i read about a few days ago but i think its bloody brilliant!! Barbie's 50th Birthday Fashion Show in New York... AMAZING!

Heidi Klum told WWD:
"You are drawn to the look you cannot have," "The more fantasy, the more unrealistic, the more I like it." (cough.. the exact reason for the size 0 epidemic!!) But it's true... Barbie is AMAZING!!

As stated on 'The party, which cost makers Mattel a rumoured $500,000, was attended by Barbie fans including Ginnifer Goodwin and Lauren Conrad. The house's interior, styled by Colin Cowie, included a blonde wig chandelier, an Andy Warhol portrait of Barbie and a selection of Christian Louboutin Barbie shoes.' AMAZINGGG.... i want that house =] =]

I heart you Barbie!!!

Saturday, 28 February 2009

summer loving..

I have officially given up on winter clothing, and am now very much in the mood for shopping for my summer essentials!!

For my 20th, i receieved two summer dresses and some gladiator sandles, all to my request, and i intend to carry on my will for sun through my shopping habbits, even if it means i freeze for the rest of the year!!


I can't actually bare winter anymore.. and with my array of pinks, corals and light blues in my wardrobe i need to break into the sun!!

... espeically now i have matching barry m's for my outfits =D aheeee!!!

Thursday, 12 February 2009

All Ears!!

March's Vogue informs me that big earrings are back, and about bloody time!! Ultimately my favourite piece of jewellery, i truly believe a pair of earrings can make all the difference on an outfit!!

Unfortunately I cannot afford to branch out and buy Louis Vuitton, or Tiffany (extrememly jealous of my Beautician, who slipped it into conversation as i was having my eyebrows done that her boyfriend has returned from American with a pair of Tiffany earrings.. anyone wana buy me some, please?!) However Freedom at Topshop, and Acessorize do great pairs, which look more expensive than what they are, and they look amazing.

Another bonus is that their making big earrings light weight, there is nothing worse than a ripped earlobe, and as stated in Vogue 'nothing attractive' about on either!!

I personally think, big or long earrings under a messy bob or hidden in long hair look amazing as they creep through!!

For £15 these 'decorative hoop earrings' from Topshop are a must have!!

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Barry M... the most colourful name in cosmetics...

Obesession has arisen with the Barry M nail vanish's...
my main love being the Bright pink, which i brought a week ago, with the 3 in 1 basecoat, topcoat, and nail hardener, and the polish has lasted, chip free for a week and a half!! Now for me, this is a new, and amazing discovery!!!

Next buys are:

Cyan blue


Vivid purple

... i simply can't get enough of these colours, i hope within the year to have the whole shibangg!!!

for £2.95, how can a girl go wrong?!!!



Just watched 'This Morning' on itv, and Coleen Rooney was on it, they decided to recreate her look. In the description of Coleen they referred to her as 'a school girl turned into a style icon.' I don't really know what to think of this, I mean she does have lovely clothes... but so do the majority of rich people.

I don't think she's a style icon, i just think she got lucky, married a man who earns something ridiculous like a £100 a minute and she's now able to shop in the places that i dream to buy an item from!!

I'm pretty sure she had help, and stylists have told her what suits her shape, going from what she was to what she is, i don't think she managed to do that alone?